
New Mexico Student at Notre Dame Named Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2016

- "Priyanka Jain, an Indian American student at La Cueva High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was selected as a Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar...The scholarship, which seeks to attract, encourage and equip extraordinary students who will have a transformational effect on the Notre Dame community, the church and the world, is named after the Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, the president emeritus of the University of Notre Dame...Recipients of the scholarship receive $100,000. Only 19 students were chosen by the university worldwide...Jain's high school accolades include founding a science bowl club to spread STEM awareness, captaining a Model UN team and several Science Olympiad events, serving as an ambassador to 樱花直播 and being a member of several national honor societies."

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